Physical Education
Physical Education at Hassenbrook Academy is designed to develop all pupils’ confidence and competence to take part in a range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives both in and out of school.
At Hassenbrook, we aim to teach pupils the value of healthy active lifestyles, to take on personal and social responsibility and how to be effective in competitive, creative and challenging situations. A high-quality PE curriculum enables all students to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical activity. They develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully. When they are performing, they think about what they are doing, analyse the situation and make decisions. They also reflect on their own and others’ performances and find ways to improve them.PE helps students develop personally and socially. They work as individuals, in groups and in teams, developing concepts of fairness and of personal and social responsibility. They take on different roles and responsibilities, including leadership, coaching and officiating. Through the range of experiences that PE offers, they learn how to be effective in competitive, creative and challenging situations.
The PE curriculum aims to reach the young people from Hassenbrook Academy through the use of various roles such as a performance, coaching and officiating students will experiment with skills and knowledge to enable all students to lead and participate in a balanced, healthy and active lifestyle from a young age as well as develop social, ethical and educational values through physical activity.
The study of Physical Education covers a broad range of physical activities giving students a chance to explore a range of tactics, strategies and compositional ideas as well a chance to express their creativity and passion within the subject. Students will be encouraged to make decisions throughout at each stage and reflect on their own and others performance to develop evaluative skills. Through the development of these skills PE builds students confidence to participate to the best of their ability and overcome any challenge that may present itself.
In learning PE, students experience and develop a range of life skills and values such as resilience, respect and reflection. Through developing these skills students will feel in a position to be able to ensure they remain physically, mentally and socially healthy throughout their life.
All students partake in two 60-minute lessons of core Physical Education at KS4. The faculty also offer students the opportunity to study OCR Cambridge National Certificate Level 2 in Sports Studies or EDUQAS Sport & Coaching Principles (Technocal Award) as their option choice.
Core PE
All students have the opportunity to undertake the varied curriculum that will enable them to attempt leadership skills as well as developing their physical performance.. This allows students to learn the fundamental skills to organise and engage in sport safely and continue to participate in sport at a level that is appropriate for them. We aim to improve the physical literacy and efficiency of all students whilst providing enjoyment. Students’ taught in single sex teaching groups and there is an element of choice in provision to allow students to partake in physical activity and help develop and enhance their physical and mental well-being. Within an enjoyable environment.
KS4 Specification OCR Cambridge National certificate level 1/2 in Sports Studies Sport
What is Cambridge Nationals Certificate in sports studies?
The student will take this course in KS4, aged 14-16 on a full-time study programme wanting to develop applied knowledge and practical skills in Sport Studies. It is aimed at those students who want to progress onto other related study, such as qualifications in Sports, Physical Education, Social science or Media areas.
The students will complete three units, 2 of which are the mandatory Units and 1 from the optional:
- One mandatory externally assessed unit (exam)
- One mandatory centre-assessed unit (NEA)
- One optional centre-assessed unit (NEA) from a choice of two.
The students results are awarded on the following scale: Level 2 – Distinction* (*2), Distinction (D2), Merit (M2), Pass (P2) Level 1 – Distinction (D1), Merit (M1), Pass (P1) and Fail/Unclassified.
The Aims and Learning outcomes of completing this course:
Our Cambridge National in Sport Studies will encourage students to:
- Understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of Sport Studies
- Develop learning and practical skills that can be applied to real-life contexts and work situations. Think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically
- Develop independence and confidence in using skills that are relevant to the Exercise, Physical Activity, Sport and Health sector and more widely
- Understand topical and contemporary issues in sport, including; why people do and do not participate in sport, the promotion of ethics and values, the roles of National Governing Bodies and high profile events have in sport, as well as how technology is used within sport
- Develop skills as a performer in two different sporting activities and learn how to lead sporting activity sessions
- Create a plan, write and evaluate an activity session, to further develop, leadership skills
- Analyse their own performance to help improve themselves and their skills in sport
- Explore the relationship that media has with sport and understand how linked they are. The relationship to real world examples and the different ways in which sport and the media represent each other will be applied.
- Develop the skills of team working, research and planning and understand that sports performance goes far beyond just the simple physical activity of sport
- Take part in outdoor and adventurous activities in natural settings, learning how to do this safely as well as understanding the benefits that these activities offer to people.
What will you Study:
The qualification equips you with sound specialist knowledge through practical application. Students will study two mandatory units and one optional unit from a choice of two. The two mandatory units are:
R184: Contemporary issues in sport.
This is assessed by an exam. By completing this unit you will understand a range of topical and contemporary issues in sport, including learning about participation levels and barriers to completing sporting activities. You will also learn how participation is impacted by the promotion of values and ethical behaviour, about the role of high-profile sporting events, the role of national governing bodies and how technology is used in within sport.
Topics include:
- Issues which affect participation in sport
- The role of sport in promoting values
- The implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country
- The role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport
- The use of technology in sport.
R185: Performance and leadership in sports activities
This is assessed by a set assignment In this unit you will have an opportunity to develop your skills both as a performer in two different sporting activities, and as a leader, developing a range of transferable skills. You will work both independently and as part of a team, including communicating with team mates as well as being in front of an audience when you perform. You will perform under pressure, both as a participant and as a leader, and will use your initiative to solve problems and make decisions. Finally, you will deal with rapidly changing conditions and situations.
Topics include:
- Key components of performance o Applying practice methods to support improvement in a sporting activity
- Organising and planning a sports activity session
- Leading a sports activity session
- Reviewing your own performance in planning and leading a sports activity session.
The two optional units are:
R186: Sports and the media
This is assessed by a set assignment. In this unit you will understand the different sides of a range of media sources and apply real life examples to show the nature of the relationship between media and sport. You will also learn how rapid development in technology is enabling sport to be viewed, replayed and discussed whenever and wherever the spectator wants. You will then develop your ability to evaluate and interpret the different ways in which sport is represented by the media.
Topics include:
- The different sources of media that cover sport
- Positive effects of the media in sport
- Negative effects of the media in sport.
R187: Increasing awareness of Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
This is assessed by a set assignment. In this unit you will understand how to find out information about what opportunities there are in your local area as well as nationally in the UK for all different types of outdoor/adventurous activities. You will learn how to enjoy the activities safely by finding out what equipment, clothing, facilities and technology you need, as well as completing planning to help keep you safe.
Topics include:
- Provision for different types of outdoor and adventurous activities in the UK
- Equipment, clothing and safety aspects of participating in outdoor and adventurous activities
- Plan for and be able to participate in an outdoor and adventurous activity
- Evaluate participation in an outdoor and adventurous activity
The specification of the course is below:
OCR Cambridge National Certificate Level 1/2 in Sports Studies:
Assessment and Grading
The student’s uniform mark for Unit R184 will be combined with the uniform mark for the NEA units to give a total uniform mark for the qualification. The student’s overall grade will be determined by the total uniform mark. The following table shows the minimum total mark for each overall grade:
KS4 curriculum map & knowledge organisers
Typical subject content at Key stage 4 (Core PE)
- Use and develop a variety of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in team and individual games for example, badminton, basketball, football, handball, netball, rounders, softball, cricket, ultimate-frisbee, tennis, health and fitness.
- Start to develop sports leadership within the lesson by taking warm-ups or running of games/ tournaments.
- Grow an understanding of how physical activity will help everyday living in the world.
- Evaluate their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement across a range of physical activities to achieve their personal best for example fitness
- Continue to take part regularly in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs.
Stretch and challenge opportunities
All students are challenged in practical lessons through of options and advice for extending the learning experience.
Key Stage 4
- Leadership – students have the opportunity to work with participate in leadership activities with younger students to develop their skills in organisation of sport, communication and leadership.
- Cambridge National Sports studies groups – extended mark questions – these are longer answer questions at GCSE to apply the knowledge in sporting contexts and scenarios.
- Model answer responses.
- Peer teaching to consolidate and strengthen learning and understanding.
OCR Cambridge National Sports Studies:
Students receive 1-hour of homework every week. This consists of exam questions to ensure students are able to respond well in their assessments and end of year exams. The faculty provide a study support club once a week after school where students can receive assistance from teachers to complete their assignments or improve their learning and understanding.
EDUQAS – Sport & Coaching Principles (Technical Award)
Unit 1: Fitness for Sport – This unit introduces learners to the adaptations that take place in the body following exercise, how training can lead to improvements in fitness, and the planning of training programmes. The aim of this unit is to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to plan training programmes to improve the fitness of individuals.
This unit breaks down into the following topic area’s;
- Structure, functions and adaptations to the body’s systems in relation to sport exercise and physical activity.
- The importance of the components of different physical activities.
- The role of training in achieving improvements in fitness.
Written examination: 1 hour 20 minutes
40% of qualification
80 marks
Format: short and extended answer questions based around applied situations. Learners will be
required to use stimulus material to respond to questions.
Unit 2: Improving Sporting Performance – This unit introduces learners to how different areas of sporting performance can be improved. The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the knowledge and understanding needed to be able to analyse sporting performance, identify strengths and weaknesses and plan for improvement.
This unit breaks down into the following topic area’s
2.1 Factors affecting sporting performance.
2.2 Analysis of sporting performance.
Controlled assessment: approximately 4 hours
25% of qualification
50 marks
An assignment brief, will be provided by WJEC which will include a scenario and several tasks,
available from the WJEC secure website.
Unit 3: Coaching Principles – This unit introduces learners to the principles involved in sports coaching. The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the appropriate knowledge and understanding to be able to plan, lead and evaluate a coaching session within a sporting activity.
This unit breaks down into the following topic area’s.
3.1 Knowledge of the skills and responsibilities of a sports coach.
3.2 Understand the coaching process.
3.3 How to coach.
3.4 Review coaching performance.
Controlled assessment: approximately 6 hours.
35% of qualification
70 marks
An assignment brief, will be provided by WJEC which will include a scenario and several tasks,
available from the WJEC secure website.
Curriculum Maps
The extra-curricular content delivered is a generous opportunity for students to improve their knowledge and skills in certain sports. Clubs offer opportunities for students to practice and learn further about their favourite sports whilst gaining many benefits of exercise. These benefits can be physical, mental or social. This can lead to an improved progress in the subject but they also lead to opportunities of representing the school in various sports. Representing the school allows students to compete against other schools in a range of competitive sports across the South Essex District. These fixtures prove to be very enjoyable for our students and we thank all our students for their dedication to clubs and fixtures.
Locally there are many sports clubs and joining with these sports clubs is another way of supplementing our curriculum further. The benefits of these local clubs are that students will start new friendships and enjoy a sport they feel passionate about whilst increasing their levels of physical activity. We feel that joining local clubs is an excellent way of keeping young people’s bodies and minds active. The offer of sports clubs available changes on a ½ termly basis.
Mr R. Battye - Head of Department
Mr L. Taylor - Head of Year 7
Mr A. Harrington
Ms E. Williamson