What is it like to study this subject?
Personal, Social, Health and Economics (PSHE) students at Hassenbrook Academy enjoy well-planned and engaging lessons across all year groups. They explore a range of core themes that are designed to equip them with essential life and social skills in preparation for adulthood, in our ever-changing diverse world. Students are frequently exposed to organisations or charities available to seek further support and guidance.
PSHE is taught in a safe environment using real-life scenarios from all areas of society and different cultures, both locally, nationally and internationally. This is done through lots of class discussion, along with statistics and news articles. Students are encouraged to think about; their position in society, their individual culture and identity, and how to keep themselves safe and healthy. It aims to embolden them in making; effective transitions, positive learning and career choices, and in achieving economic wellbeing.
What are the aims of the curriculum?
We aim to prepare students for an evolving world, and equip them with the life skills and values to enable them to be fully participating members of a global society, by using a thematic approach that allows students to revisit topics across KS3 and KS4, exploring them at age appropriate levels.
We aim to enable students to mature into individuals who can think critically and independently. Individuals who can make informed choices around their physical, mental, sexual, emotional and economic wellbeing, in order to develop and maintain healthy relationships and make meaningful contributions, in a world where values and attitudes can be complex and conflicting with their own.
We aim to follow the framework provided by the PSHE Association and meet the DfE requirements for statutory RSE and Health Education. Embedded in the curriculum are; British Values (BV), Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) and provide Financial Education (FE).
Students currently study the following core topics
Living in the wider world
Health and Wellbeing
Relationships and Sex
Examples of lessons within these topics are;
Finance and budgeting
Discrimination and harassment in and out of the workplace
Human Rights
Social Media, positives and negatives
Health risks and safe options
Anger control
Healthy eating
Crime, including County Lines
Healthy and unhealthy relationships
Contraception and STIs/STDs
- Intimacy and consent