

The Geography curriculum at Hassenbrook enables students to develop knowledge and skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas and which can and are used to promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Geography is, by nature, an investigative subject, which develops and understanding of concepts, knowledge and skills. We seek to inspire in students a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people which will remain with them for the rest of their lives.  In addition, we aim to promote the students' interest and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. The curriculum is designed to develop knowledge and skills that are progressive and transferable throughout their time at Hassenbrook Academy.  A diverse geographical provision allows for further study and enables career opportunities.



Geography at Hassenbrook is taught in units throughout the year, so that students can achieve depth in their learning. Teachers have identified the key knowledge and skills of each blocked unit and consideration has been given to ensure progression across topics. At the beginning of each topic, students are able to convey what they know already as well as what they would like to find out. This informs the programme of study and also ensures that lessons are relevant and take account of student’s different starting points. Consideration is given to how greater depth will be taught, learnt and demonstrated within each lesson, as well as how learners will be supported in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.  Numerical and literacy outcomes in Geography are specifically planned for.



Outcomes in books evidence a broad and balanced Geography curriculum and demonstrate student’s acquisition of identified key knowledge. Students review their successes in achieving the lesson objectives at the end of every lesson and are actively encouraged to identify their own target areas, with these being identified, shared and verified by teachers as necessary. Students also record what they have learned comparative to their starting points at the end of every topic. As students progress throughout the school, they develop a deep knowledge, understanding an appreciation of their local area and its place within the wider geographical context. Geographical understanding, as well as student’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is further supported through field visits, guest speakers and ongoing projects.  Students are able to learn about careers related to Geography with the specialist skills and knowledge required, ensuring that they are well prepared for the next stage in their life.  Student’s Flightpath Expectations are continuously reviewed with a focus on strong academic progress at KS3 and GCSE.

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