
Religious Education

At Hassenbrook Academy, Religious Education is dynamic, imaginative, and introspective. The curriculum is structured to foster well-informed, ethical, and responsible citizens who appreciate diverse perspectives. It is thoughtfully sequenced to emphasize both knowledge and skills. Students are encouraged to engage in reasoning, debate, judgment-making, and evaluation of key concepts and themes—skills essential for GCSE and beyond the classroom.

The curriculum supports pupils' social, spiritual, moral, and cultural growth. This includes learning
about various faiths, reflecting on personal beliefs, exploring moral and ethical issues, collaborating
with peers from different backgrounds, understanding cultural influences, and respecting diverse
faiths and cultures. Our aim is to offer an academic RE curriculum that equips pupils to engage in
balanced and informed discussions on religion, philosophy, and worldviews.


Religious Education at Hassenbrook is structured into comprehensive units throughout the academic
year to ensure that students achieve a deep understanding of the subject matter. Initially, students are
introduced to a series of Eastern and Abrahamic religions, providing a foundational knowledge that is
expanded upon in subsequent units. In year 8 students then move onto Thematic topics, here
students examine themes across different religions, students learn to compare and contrast beliefs,
practices, and values, leading to a deeper understanding of both similarities and differences among


Religious Education at Hassenbrook has a significant impact on students, particularly in Key Stage 3
(KS3) and beyond, influencing their personal development, academic skills, and societal
understanding. Religious Education plays a vital role in shaping students' understanding of the world
and themselves. It provides them with the tools to navigate complex moral landscapes, appreciate
diverse cultures, and contribute positively to society. Through the development of critical thinking,
empathy, and cultural awareness, Religious Studies equips students with essential skills for life in a
diverse and interconnected world.


In KS3 RE, our vision is to cultivate a learning environment that fosters profound understanding,
respect, and appreciation for diverse religious and spiritual perspectives. We aspire to empower
students with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and empathy necessary to engage thoughtfully
with the complex tapestry of beliefs, values, and traditions shaping our world. Through inclusive and
interactive education, we aim to nurture a generation that embraces tolerance, empathy, and a deep
sense of global citizenship, enabling them to navigate and contribute positively to an interconnected
and diverse society.

In addition, the Curriculum also has a strong emphasis on inclusivity. Students are taught a variety of
Eastern Religions in Year 7 that are sequenced in chronological order – this is so students may draw on
the key similarities found in different faiths and the possibility of religious views stemming from one
another. At Year 8, pupils are faced with a variety of thematic studies concerning Philosophy and
Ethics in the modern world. Examples of this includes units on moral issues and euthanasia.


Teaching and Learning at KS4 - AQA Route A - GCSE Specification

There are two main sections in the AQA GCSE RE (9-1) which are assessed through 2 exam papers at
the end of Year 11. The content of each paper is split into different units and is as followed:

Paper 1: The study of two religions [Christianity and Islam]:

Beliefs, Teachings and Practices: written examination 1 hour 45 minutes, 50% of

Paper 2:

Thematic studies: written examination 1 hour 45 minutes, 50% of qualification which assesses the
following themes:

1. Theme A: Relationships and families
2. Theme B: Religion and Life
3. Theme D: Peace and Conflict
4. Theme E: Crime and Punishment


Ms R. Miah - Head of Humanities/RE

Ms S. Granston

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